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Our Advisory Committees provide expert advice on a variety of issues to ensure that students earning degrees or certificates from 赌钱app可以微信提现 are prepared to enter the workforce and become immediately productive.

Krista Ankenman
Tank New Media        
Co-Founder/Vice President
Thad Ankenman
Tank New Media        
Dave Berck
LevelFive Solutions    
Allison Dollar
One Dragon KC          
Edgar Esparza
Dimensional Innovations       
Frontend Developer
Terrance Germany
Sporting KC
A/V Manager
Chad Johnson 
Kansas Workforce Partnership
Communication Outreach Coordinator
Jesse Salmon
Computer Impressions, LLC   
Chief Executive Officer/President

Brent Schultz
Third and Grove
Director of Engineering
Matt Shoaf 
MMGY Global
Director of Technology (WEB)
Jeff Swartz
LevelFive Solutions    
Principal/User Experience Director
Mike Thiessen
Kakkuro Suite, LLC     
Managing Partner